For any T∈sp(2N) , it is a (2N)×(2N) matrix constrained by the equation ΩT+TTΩ=0, where Ω=(0−ININ0). Therefore, the dimension of sp(2N) is N(2N+1) .
If we choose a basis {Ta:1≤a≤N(2N+1)} of sp(2N) such that Tr(TaTb)=δab, then (Ta)ji(Ta)lk=21(δliδjk−s(i)s(j)δ~kδ~l), where ~=i+N∈Z2N and s(i)={1−11≤i≤N,N+1≤i≤2N. Therefore, Tr(ATa)Tr(TaB)=21(Tr(AB)−Tr(ATΩTBΩ)) because (ΩTBΩ)ji=s(i)s(j)B~~ .
Especially, if A=Ta1⋯Tak , then Tr(ATa)Tr(TaB)=21(Tr(AB)−(−1)kTr(ArevB)), where Arev=Tak⋯Ta1 . Now take B=IN , since Tr(Ta)=0 , Tr(A)=(−1)kTr(Arev). It’s also true in the case of su(N) .
When calculating Feynman diagrams in the usual Yang-Mills theory,
we use 3-point vertexs with coefficients fabc and 4-point vertexs to build the gluon
amplitude, where fabc is the structure constant of the (semi-simple) gauge group. It can be calculated
by the following formula fabc=2−iTr([Ta,Tb]Tc) in our basis. Therefore, for sp(2N) gauge field theory, in the calculation of tree level gluon
amplitude, the following formula is fundamental: fa1a2aˉfaˉa3a4=2(−i)2Tr([Ta1,Ta2]Taˉ)Tr(Taˉ[Ta3,Ta4])=4(−i)2(Tr([Ta1,Ta2][Ta3,Ta4])−(−1)2Tr([Ta1,Ta2]rev[Ta3,Ta4]))=4(−i)2(Tr([Ta1,Ta2][Ta3,Ta4])−Tr([Ta2,Ta1][Ta3,Ta4]))=2(−i)2Tr([Ta1,Ta2][Ta3,Ta4]). Similarly, we can calculate that fa1a2aˉfaˉa3bˉfbˉa4a5=(2−i)3Tr([[Ta1,Ta2],Ta3][Ta4,Ta5]) and so on. These expressions are both hold for su(N) and sp(2N) with the different
meanings of generators Ta .
Therefore, the color structure of sp(2N) gauge field theory is the same with su(N)
in the tree level. However, in the loop level, we may need to calculate fa1bˉaˉfaˉa3bˉ
and others which are more complicated, these will be different in the case of su(N) .